
Conference agenda

There are certain areas that must be covered at a child protection case conference and these are set out on this page.

The child protection conference will follow an agenda to include:

  • the purpose or reasons for the particular conference and the tasks of the conference,
  • introductions, apologies, confidentiality, explanation of extent of each agencies role with the family,
  • circulation of reports,
  • details of the events leading up to the child protection conference,
  • information from the initial inquiry and any assessment to date,
  • background information from all agencies, including past and present involvement,
  • the views of children and family members,
  • an analysis of the implications of all the information shared for the child's future safety, health and development . This should be considered alongside the domains in the My World Triangle.
  • consideration of the risks of harm if the child's care remains the same and explicit recommendations for how the risks can be managed,
  • a summary of all the main information provided by the chair
  • consideration of the need for legal advice
  • consideration of the need to make a referral to the Children's Convenor
  • Throughout the conference all agency members need to remain focused on risk of harm to the child and be aware of the potential of minimising the child's likely experiences through concentration on the parents needs.  This should not prevent parenting strengths being highlighted and explored to see if these strengths could protect their children.