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Other Health
All doctors who see children must:
- Be able to recognise the symptoms and signs of child abuse or neglect.
- Recognise children in need of support and/or safeguarding, and parents who may need extra help in bringing up their children.
- Contribute to enquiries about children within the framework for assessment and child protection process.
- Have access to local safeguarding children procedures and be familiar with their contents.
- Be familiar with local procedures for making contact with the child protection register.
- Act upon any child protection concerns that they have about children in accordance with Section 27 of the Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law 2008.
- Be aware of the referral pathways to those with the specialist paediatric skills to assess children where child abuse or neglect is suspected.
- Know when and how to contact the MASH team when they have concerns about a child and how to escalate concerns where there are professional disagreements.
- Maintain their training in child protection.
For further information please see link: http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/index.asp
General Practitioners and their employed staff
All GPs have a duty to maintain their skills in the recognition of abuse, and to be familiar with the procedures to be followed if abuse is suspected. They and any staff they employ should take part in supervision and training, including regular updates, about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Each General Practice must have access to the Guernsey and Alderney Child Protection Guidelines.
Doctor's Practices must have clear administrative systems to identify children (and their siblings) who are the subject of a child protection plan, and there must be procedures for sharing information on a need to know basis with relevant professionals in respect of all children about whom there are concerns.
GPs should endeavour to attend all initial and other relevant child protection conferences or, if they are unable to attend, make available relevant information about a child and family.
Guernsey Contraceptive Service
The Guernsey Contraceptive Service has a a policy for dealing with child protection which includes an assessment of all under 16's according to the Fraser guidelines and Gillick competence. This encompasses a social/home and school assessment and liaison with other professionals. This is with the child's knowledge. The Fraser guidelines and Gillick competence are important when providing a contraceptive service and provide a measure to identify what the child's ability is to make decisions for themselves.