

It is important that all invited agencies, who have a significant role with any relevant family member, do attend the conference, as this will often reflect their involvement in the process of protecting the child.

Minimum requirements

A minimum of three agencies or professional groupings will normally need to be present before a conference can proceed. Health services staff will be counted as one agency and social work / social care as a separate agency.  However, situations may arise whereby only two agencies or professional groupings are present. In these circumstances, the chair has the discretion for the conference to go ahead as long as he or she is satisfied that all essential information is available, particularly from the key agencies involved (including those who are involved in support to the parents or carers).

Consideration will also need to be given to the involvement of the necessary agencies within the core group.  All professionals and agencies who are invited to attend a child protection conference should submit a written report, whether or not they are able to attend.

If a conference is not quorate ...

Where a conference is not quorate ordinarily it should not proceed and in such circumstances the chair must ensure that either:

Any necessary protective action to secure the safety of a child at risk of serious harm must not be delayed because a case conference is pending.