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Parents and Carers
If you are a parent or carer and believe your child is in need of additional support you can contact the Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH) to discuss your concerns and see what support is available.
The MASH can direct you to the most appropriate services for support, can organise multi-agency support if needed and can identify if support is required.
For more information about the MASH and multi-agency support follow the links below:
Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH)
Early Help - Team Around the Family
You can also access support services through your GP, or other health or education professionals (like health visitors, school nurses and teachers) who can refer for specialist support.
There are many local and national agencies that offer information, support and advice for parents and carers. The list below is not exhaustive but many of the links provide further links to relevant support services.
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - referral through a GP or school nurse. |
Child Development Service | A multi-disciplinary team that supports children and young people 0 - 18 with additional needs. |
Child Protection | If you are worried about the safety of a child. |
Child, Youth and Community Tribunal (CYCT) | Explains the Child, Youth and Community Tribunal and the role of the Children's Convenor. |
Children's Community Nurses | Information about health visiting, school nursing and the children's community nurse. |
Children's Dental Service | Information and advice about children's dental health, services available and eligibility. |
Domestic abuse | Information and advice about domestic abuse and the local domestic abuse strategy. |
Drug and Alcohol Strategy | Information on the local drug and alcohol strategy and where to find support for problem drug or alcohol use. |
Education support services | Information on services and support for additional educational needs. |
Family Proceedings Advisory Service | Formerly known as the Safeguarder Service, Family Proceedings Advisors represent the views of children and young people involved in family court proceedings |
Kindred Family Centre | Support services for children and parents provided through drop-in sessions, group work, individual work and courses for adults. |
Legal Aid | Where and how to get legal aid. |
Looked After Children | Information about services for children who are looked after by the Committee for Health and Social Care. |
Maternity Services | Information and advice about local maternity services, pregnancy, giving birth and postnatal care. |
Mental Health | Gives information about local mental health services and how to get support. |
Quitline | Advice and support for giving up smoking. |
Restorative Justice | Information about the restorative justice process, the various approaches taken and the local strategy. |
Speech and Language Therapy | Explains what to expect from speech and language therapy and how to get support. |
Sexual Health | Information about the Orchard Centre and other sexual health services in Guernsey and Alderney. |
SIGNPOST.GG | How to find help for children with disabilities and their parents/carers. |
Victim Support and Witness Service | The Bailiwick of Guernsey Victim Support and Witness Service is an independent charitable organisation providing support for victims and witnesses of crime. |
Local links
Additional links to local charities providing support services

Autism Guernsey - dedicated to improving the lives of adults and children on the autism spectrum.

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