
Explaining the child protection plan to the child and parents

The parents/carers should be clear about the evidence, of serious harm, which has resulted in their child's name being placed on the Child Protection Register and becoming the subject of a Child Protection Plan.

Information for the parents

The parents need to know what needs to change and what is expected of them as part of the Child Protection Plan.  This will be in order to protect and promote their child's safety and welfare. This will be the subject of continuing discussion between the family, the lead professional and other professionals involved.

The parents/carers should receive a written copy of the plan in their preferred language so that they are clear about their own role and responsibilities as well as the roles and responsibilities of others, and the planned outcomes for the child.

Information for the child

The child (depending on age and understanding) should also be clear about;

He/she should also be given a copy of the plan which needs to be written in a way appropriate to the child's age and understanding.