Details of ISCP training can be found by clicking on Professionals on tile above then Training 2024
If you are concerned about a child in Guernsey or Alderney
If you are a member of the public who has concerns about a child's welfare or safety, and if that child is in Guernsey or Alderney, call the Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) on 01481 223182.
Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01481 222222.
If it is an emergency, please call the police on 999 or 112.
You can also make contact with the MASH using this form Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF) - Fillable - Dec 24 [489kb]
Once completed please send to (please submit in WORD format only - please do not submit in PDF)
If you work with children in Guernsey or Alderney and believe a child or young person you work with is in need of additional support, you should make enquiries to the Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) using the numbers above.
If you are aware that the child has a social worker you should contact them directly.
To make an enquiry/referral please use this form Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF) - Fillable - Dec 24 [489kb]
Once completed please send to (please submit in WORD format only - please do not submit in PDF)
You can find out more about the MASH here.
If you are supporting a child and their family with an Early Help Assessment and/or a Team Around the Family (TAF) you can find out more about the process here.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Framework
The NSPCC Harmful Sexual Behaviour Framework audit process took place in Spring/Summer 2021 with key findings reported and disseminated in Autumn 2021. The multiagency partnership took forward the action plan and agreed key implementation actions across 2022.
The original findings indicated some areas for improvement in Guernsey alongside evidence of some positive multi-agency working and a real desire to improve the system overall. This has continued and momentum has been sustained with development of the comprehensive Operational Framework for HSB.
Over the course of 2023 we have worked to implement and embed pathways, thresholds and procedures to support professionals working with children and young people where there are concerns of harmful sexual behaviour being displayed. The Youth Justice Service have trained in various assessments and interventions including AIM under 12, AIM3, AIM Intervention, TA-HSB AIM, Change for Good (NSPCC) and Inform (Lucy Faithfull Foundation) in order to support with families where there have been concerns around sexual behaviour both online and offline. The NSPCC Developing an Understanding of HSB and Brook Traffic Light Tool training has also been rolled out to provide awareness and develop understanding of early intervention.
The HSB Framework was recently reviewed in August 2024 to highlight the scale of HSB locally and any areas for improvement. In the next year the area of focus is on capacity building within teams to provide appropriate and timely assessment and interventions as well as being able to offer wider campaigns and further development of the continuum of interventions to meet needs from prevention to specialist support.
The Framework can be viewed and downloaded here HSB Operational Framework - August 2024 [2Mb]
Multi Agency Child Exploitation Framework 2024
Multi-agency practitioner procedural guidance has been developed to provide a framework which describes the terms of reference and arrangements in the Bailiwick of Guernsey for responding to the challenges of protecting children and young people exposed to exploitation.
Children and young people made vulnerable to exploitation require a response which takes a holistic view to safeguarding and this extends the focus from previous documentation, which focused essentailly on child sexual exploitation, in recognition that exploitation can occur through different forums and often amongst other vulnerabilities which children and young people are exposed to.
Arrangements now consider exploitation as a broader concept encompassing, but not limited to, sexual and criminal exploitation both of which interconnect with risks and vulnerabilities such as missing, child trafficking, county lines, modern slavery, gangs and youth violence. These risks must be considered within a contextual safeguarding framework to effectively understand and respond to young people's experiences of significant harm beyond their families.
Recognising that the different relationships young people form in their community, schools/colleges and online can feature violence and abuse and involve grooming in a way that disguises exploitation intent, to the extent that children/young people believe these relationships are genuine.
Children & Family Community Services and wider safeguarding partnerships aim to engage with individuals and sectors who have influence over/within extra-familial contexts and recognise that assessment of and intervention with these spaces are a critical part of the safeguarding process.
The Framework can be downloaded here Multi Agency Child Exploitation Framework Guidance [1Mb]
About the Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership - ISCP
The ISCP is formally known as the Islands Child Protection Committee. It is a multi-agency committee with representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. It was given legal status in the Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law, 2008. Its main purpose is to enhance the safety of children and young people in the islands through promoting effective co-ordination and co-operation between agencies providing services to children and families.
Contact us
Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership - contact details
Address: Perruque House, Rue de la Perruque, Castel, Guernsey, GY5 7NT. ISCP Chair & Independent Scrutineer: David Goosey Business manager: Gareth Kidd - Administration: Gareth Kidd
Telephone: 01481 226923 Email: