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Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership

This website is under development

Sad girl Worried about a child?

Find out who to call when you have a concern.

Worried about a child Children and Young People

Where to get advice and support

Parents and carers 2 Parents and Carers

Where to get advice and support.


Details of ISCP training can be found by clicking on Professionals on tile above then Training 2024

If you are concerned about a child in Guernsey or Alderney

If you are a member of the public who has concerns about a child's welfare or safety, and if that child is in Guernsey or Alderney, call a children's services social worker on 01481 223182. Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01481 222222

If it is an emergency, please call the police on 999 or 112.

If you work with children in Guernsey or Alderney and believe a child you work with is in need of additional support, you should make enquiries to the Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH) in writing using the MASH enquiry form. If you are aware that the child has a social worker you should contact them directly.

If you believe a child is being mistreated and is at risk of harm, please contact the MASH team as soon as possible on 01481 223182. If the matter is urgent and outside of office hours you can contact the duty social worker on 01481 222222. If you think a child is in immediate danger please call the police.

You can find out more about the MASH here.

If you are working as part of a Team Around the Child (TAC) you can find out more about the process here.


May 2023- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Multi Agency Framework now operational 

The framework is part of the response following on from the NSPCC audit of the Islands' response to HSB, commissioned by the ISCP.

Findings from the audit included:

The NSPCC presented a suggested action plan which was adopted by the Steering committee led by Jo Ogier. Jo with input from the group, developed the framework as a key part of implementing the action plan.  The subsequent appointment of Savannah Goddard as HSB co-ordinator, ensured that all relevant agencies were consulted and had input into this final document. This new document will give clarity to and strengthen multi agency working within this important area.

In addition to the Framework, the Partnership has rolled out multi agency training, Developing an Understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour,for all professionals in the statutory and third sector. We will also shortly be rolling out training in the use of the Brook Tool which is a key part in identifying, understanding and responding appropriately to sexual behaviours.

For further information relating to training please go to My Learning or if you do not have access to the site or require further information, please contact the Inter-Agency Training Co-ordinator,


For further information about the framework or Harmful Sexual Behaviour please contact

pdf icon Harmful Sexual Behaviour Framework 2023 [1Mb]

The Framework can be viewed here




About the Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership - ISCP

The ISCP is formally known as the Islands Child Protection Committee. It is a multi-agency committee with representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors. It was given legal status in the Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law, 2008. Its main purpose is to enhance the safety of children and young people in the islands through promoting effective co-ordination and co-operation between agencies providing services to children and families. 


Contact us


Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership - contact details

Address: Perruque House, Rue de la Perruque, Castel, Guernsey, GY5 7NT.
Independent Chair: Sarah Elliott
Business manager: Gareth Kidd -  

Gareth Kidd

Telephone: 01481 226923

This page was added to website on 22 June 2015
08 january 2021 to include change of number for MASH and Out of Hours
3 January 2017 to include information about the MASH, TAC and Sark
24 February 2017 to include information about change of name to ISCP.
1 September 2017 contact details drop down table added.
16 April 2019 update link to Sark safeguarding information.