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Training 2025
Safeguarding Children & Young People - Level 1
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details ISCP e-learning The course is an e-learning package providing a basic overview of safeguarding practice in Guernsey and Alderney. Every States employee and anyone wanting to take the Level 2 safeguarding children course. The e-learning course can be accessed via the Institute link below:
Safeguarding Children & Young People - Level 2
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details ISCP
03/02/25 (pm)
04/03/25 (am)
18/03/25 (am)
22/03/25 (weekend)
14/05/25 (am)
28/05/25 (am)
05/06/25 (am)
20//06/25 (am)
02/07/25 (am)
21/07/25 (am)
05/08/25 (am)
29/08/25 (am)
10/09/25 (am)
17/09/25 (am)
25/09/25 (evening)
01/10/25 (am)
13/10/25 (am)
29/10/25 (am)
07/11/25 (am)
08/11/25 (weekend)
26/11/25 (am)
03/12/25 (am)
The course will enable participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying safeguarding principles in practice and appraise implications for professional practice when working with families. The course covers:
- Recognising signs and indicators of abuse
- Identifying factors that make some children and young people vulnerable to abuse
- Considering your roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children and young people
- Considering how to respond to a safeguarding concern
Participants need to have completed the Level 1 e-learning package prior to attendance.
This half-day course is intended for anyone who works or around with children, young people, parents or families in either the statutory, voluntary or private sector.
am: 9.15-12.00
pm: 1.45-4.30
evening: 5.30-8.15
weekend: 10.15-1.00
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Safeguarding Children & Young People - Level 3
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details ISCP
9.00am - 5.00pm
This one-day course covering the following areas:
- law, policy & procedures
- information sharing
- dealing with disclosures
- Care & Support Framework
- significant Harm
- disguised Compliance
- Child Not Brought guidelines
- contextual safeguarding
- MASH, TAC, the Children's Convenor & the CYCT
- roles and responsibilities of safeguarding leads
- preparing for and attending a child protection conference
- professional disagreement & resolution
Participants need to have completed the e-learning package and Level 2 prior to attendance.
This full day course (09.00-16.30) is for people who might:
- hold responsibility for safeguarding in their organisation
- participate in the process of safeguarding children through referral, assessment, interventions for child or parent
- contribute to multi-agency safeguarding forums and those that
- require level 3 as part of their professional accreditation/professional development
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Other Level 3 Safeguarding Topics, Specialist Topics & Graded Care Profile 2
To access these courses participants will need to have completed Level 2
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details ISCP
9.00am - 4.00pm
Safeguarding Children with Disabilities
In this course participants will be looking at:
- the interface between disability and safeguarding
- ways in which children with disabilities can be more vulnerable to harm
- some of the attributes and values that affect perception of the abuse of disabled children and the parental capacity of disabled adults
- alternative methods of communication with disabled children
This one-day course is for people who routinely participate in safeguarding children as part of their working practice.T
This level of training can be undertaken as part of the practitioner's professional development and it can also be used as an update for experienced and registered practitioners.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at the Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Course dates Yet to be confirmed for 2025.
10.00am - 4.00pm in 2023
9.00am - 3.00pm in 2024
Child Sexual Abuse
This child protection training aims to develop participants' understanding of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and interventions available to help children by:
- considering definitions and theories of CSA & CSE
- understanding the prevalence and impact of CSA & CSE
- considering problematic and appropriate sexual behaviour
- exploring the problems around disclosure
- discussing/exploring offender patterns
- exploring how therapeutic interventions can help children recover from sexual abuse
This newly developed and updated two-day course is for people who routinely participate in safeguarding children as part of their working practice.
This level of training can be undertaken as part of the practitioner's professional development and it can also be used as an update for experienced and registered practitioners.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
9.00am - 4.00pm
This course aims to:
- explore and identify potential barriers to the recognition of neglect
- consider the impact of neglect from pre-birth to 18
- understand affluent neglect
- understand adolescent neglect
- recognise the difficulties working with neglect
This course also contains the Graded Care Profile 2 Awareness Session which will provide an overview of the neglect screening tool and how it works. Full training to use the tool is not included but can be undertaken separately.
This one-day course is for people who routinely participate in safeguarding children as part of their working practice.
This level of training can be undertaken as part of the practitioner's professional development and it can also be used as an update for experienced and registered practitioners.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
ISCP 24/03/25
9.00am - 1.00pm
Disguised Compliance
This day course will develop an increased awareness of barriers to engagement when working with families who for a range of reasons are resistant, including: learning difficulties, mental capacity, avoidance, disguised compliance, leading to attention being directed away form the child to the parents/carers.
Participants will examine how to identify and respond to these challenges to ensure the child remains the focus of assessment, planning and intervention.
This one day course is for people who routinely participate in safeguarding children.
This course is relevant to practitioners working with resistant or hard to engage families and those who demonstrate disguised compliance.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
ISCP Coming in 2025 Women's, Maternal and Parental Mental Health
This course is currently being redeveloped and will be relaunched in 2025
ISCP and Office of the Children's Convenor
9.15am - 12.15pm
The Role of the Children's Convenor and the Child Youth and Community Tribunal
This level 3 course provides an understanding of the role of the Children's Convenor and the Child, Youth and Community Tribunal (CYCT), so that delegates will be better equipped to decide whether or not to refer a child to the Children's Convenor and to explain to children and families involved in CYCT proceedings what is happening and what to expect.
This half day course is for people who routinely participate in safeguarding children.
It will increase participants understanding of where the Convenor and CYCT sit within the wider system for the protection of children and young people.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
ISCP To be confirmed for 2025
8.30am -3.30pm
This course takes place at Guernsey Prison's Visitor Centre
Hidden Sentence
Hidden Sentence is a course developed by Action for Prisoners' and Offenders' Families (now part of Family Lives).
This course gives a clear overview of the issues facing prisoners' families and provides a range of strategies and resources to help you support them.
The aim of the course is to help you to:
- understand the impact of imprisonment on prisoners' families
- improve your understanding of the prison system
- understand the support needs of prisoners' families
- understand the needs and wishes of prisoners' families
- understand how to improve the coordination of services to provide more effective support for those affected by the imprisonment of a family member
- understand how to improve your own practice in supporting prisoners' families
This course is for professionals and individuals who support children and young people who have a parent who is incarcerated.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
9.00am - 4.00pm
Developing an Understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Course aims:
To develop an understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour and how to respond in line with the practice and procedural guidance for working with children and young people who display harmful and problematic sexual behaviour in the Bailiwick.
All people working/volunteering in statutory or third sector services who have contact with children and young people and/or their parents/carers.
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Graded Care Profile 2 - Practitioner Training
The Graded Care Profile 2 is a licenced NSPCC tool that helps to assess the quality of care a child or young person receives in their home. Also referred to as a neglect screening tool.
It is easy to use and easy for families to understand. It can be used by anyone that works with families in their homes.
Full training will be provided in using the tool.
The tool can only be used upon completion of this course.
This training is for professionals from statutory and third sector services that work with families in their homes. To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
30/04/25 (am)
29/10/25 (am)
Graded Care Profile 2 - Awareness Session
This 1.5 hour course provides an overview of the GCP2 who may need an understanding of it as part of their role.
The tool's structure, scoring system and report template will be covered.
This training is for those who need an understanding of the GCP2 and its scoring system as part of their role but will not be administering it. To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
ISCP Not running for 2025.
am: 9.00-11.30
pm: 1.00-3.30
Safeguarding LGBTQ+ children & young people
Course Aims:
To provide learners with a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding LGBTQ+ children and young people and how that may increase their vulnerability to abuse.
To provide guidance on inclusive and best practice to support LGBTQ+ children & young people.
Course overview:
- The ABCs of LGBTQ+
- Clarifying the difference between sexual orientation & gender identity
- Adversities faced by LGBTQ+ children & young people
- Risk of harm & vulnerabilities for LGBTQ+ children & young people
- Understanding intersectionality
- Inclusive practice
- Best practice in supporting LGBTQ+ children & young people
This level 3 course is for those who work with children & young people, in any context, particularly adolescents. To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Domestic Abuse Training
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details Safer
9.00am - 4.30pm
Domestic Abuse Awareness (Tier 1)
The course provides an overview of domestic abuse and challenges commonly held beliefs, attitudes and assumptions about domestic abuse. Amongst the issues covered are:
- Define and list the types of Domestic Abuse
- Outline the impact of Domestic Abuse and recognise who is affected
- Consider why victims may stay
- Identify the help available to victims and perpetrators and when and how it should be accessed
The course will include a brief presentation by local specialist domestic abuse agencies about their different roles
This one day multi-agency course is offered by Safer LBG, for Managers within States Departments, Human Resources staff, front-line States employees, working in Health, Education, Social Work, the Police, Social Security, Housing, Probation, plus people working in Voluntary Agencies, and all those dealing with potential victims and their families.
To apply, please contact Naomi Wood at Safer with your name, organisation, contact number and email address.
Contact: email:naomi@safer.gg or volunteers@safer.gg with preferred date
Please note: although there is no standing fee for the Safer training there is a no-show/late cancellation fee of £25. Donations towards refreshments gratefully received on the day.
9.00am - 4.30pm
Tier 2 Laura Richards DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment & Honour Based Violence) training
This training enables delegates to understand the DASH (2009) Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model and how to use it.
This training will cover:
- Introduction and background to model: how it was developed and why.
- High risk factors and clusters of risk
- The questions in the model, what the answers mean, a focus on stalking and so-called Honour based violence and patterns of behaviour.
- Making the links across public protection: case studies profiling perpetrators.
This one day multi-agency course is offered by Safer LBG, for Managers within States Departments, Human Resources staff, front-line States employees, working in Health, Education, Social Work, the Police, Social Security, Housing, Probation, plus people working in Voluntary Agencies, and all those dealing with potential victims and their families. To apply, please contact Naomi Wood at Safer with your name, organisation, contact number and email address.
Contact: email:naomi@safer.gg or volunteers@safer.gg with preferred date
Please note: although there is no standing fee for the Safer training there is a no-show/late cancellation fee of £25. Donations towards refreshments gratefully received on the day.
Completing Early Help Assessments & Team Around the Family (TAF) Training
Course provider Dates Description Who is it for? Booking details Multi-agency professionals
1pm - 3pm
9am - 11am
Team Around the Family (TAF) Training
This two-hour training session will ensure that participants:
- understand the ethos of the Team Around the Family process
- understand the responsibilities of the Lead Professional and TAF member roles
- understand how to support families through the TAF process
- understand the templates used in the process
- are able to champion the approach and promote good practice
- understand the value that the Team Around the Family approach adds in relation to achieving good outcomes for children and their families
Anyone who is working with children and likely to be part of a Team Around the Family
To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.
Multi-agency professionals
1pm - 3.30pm
Completing an Early Help Assessment
This two and a half hour training session is designed to support professionals who may have to complete Early Help Assessments for families whose needs sit at Level 2 of the threshold.
Participants will have the opportunity to go through the assessment template, section by section, using a case study.
Anyone who may need to assist Family Support Services in completing an Early Help Assessment To book a place, please contact the Learning and Development Team at The Institute by emailing: Learning@gov.gg.
States employees can access the course calendar and booking arrangements through My Learning.