
Early help - Team Around the Child and Lead Professional

When the MASH assessment indicates a low level of concern, but the child would benefit from support of two or more agencies, a Lead Professional and a Team Around the Child (TAC) will be identified to coordinate a plan for early help.

Team Around the Child

A Team Around the Child (TAC) is for children and families who might need a little extra support from professionals in order to achieve expected standards of health, education, development or welfare. The TAC is a group of people, including the child, family members and professionals, who will work together to support the child and family.

The TAC process is voluntary and is designed to bring all the relevant people together who will be able to decide what the child needs and how everyone will be able to work together to provide, monitor and evaluate this early help. 

Lead Professional

The Lead Professional (LP) is the person who will maintain contact with the child and family, lead TAC meetings and be responsible for coordinating the Child's Plan. The person who acts as LP will be decided through discussion with the child and family.

TAC resources

Resources for the TAC process and LPs can be found here

This page was added to the website on 22 July 2016